Every markup now has link share permissions which determine whether a link can be viewed or annotated by others. By default, link share permissions are set to public. Private link and collab settings and are only available for Superhero accounts.
Link privacy can be set by selecting the dropdown in the top right navigation of a markup. Superhero accounts can set default permission levels in their settings screen which is accessed from the top right user menu or directly here: https://markuphero.com/settings.
Note: Public and private links work like Google and Dropbox links
Collab Links
- Anyone with this link can view whether are logged in or not (i.e. Sidekick, Hero or Superhero accounts)
- Anyone with this link can re-share whether they are logged in or not
- Any Hero or Superhero user with this link can can collaborate. This means they can add their own layer of annotations to your markup. Click here to learn more about collab
- Any Hero or Superhero user with this link can duplicate and edit
Public Links (DEFAULT)
- Anyone with this link can view whether are logged in or not (i.e. Sidekick, Hero or Superhero accounts)
- Anyone with this link can re-share whether they are logged in or not
- Any Hero or Superhero user with this link can duplicate and edit
Private Links
- Only you (i.e. the owner) can view, duplicate or edit the markup
Expiring Links
- Set a specific day/time for a link to expire
- Access by setting permission to private then clicking the share button to create a custom expiration link
- Create 1 more custom links with different expiration day/times
- After all links have expired, the markup will revert to private again
Pro Tip
Superhero users have the option to set all existing markups to private by clicking the link on the my settings page. Note this will remove any collaborators and delete all their annotations. This will also redirect any previous shared links to 404.